Many consider crooked teeth as a cosmetic issue, but it goes far beyond that. Having your teeth properly aligned can extend far beyond a beautiful smile. According to American Dental Association (ADA), your teeth can significantly affect your overall health.
It’s not just your about your teeth, but also what keeps them in place, your gums. When your teeth are crooked, your gums are prone to collecting harmful bacteria, which can lead to health complications. However, increased bacteria is just one of many complications that crocked teeth can cause. It can weaken your tooth enamel, lower your self-esteem, and other problems that you’d never guessed could be caused by crooked teeth.
If you think about it, having properly aligned teeth not only can boost your confidence but also improve your health. You can have a confident smile while reduce your risk for tooth decay, and gum disease with our help at Roycrest Dental.
Straight Teeth equals Healthier Teeth and Gums
Gum related problems are most often caused by spacing problems with your teeth. If your teeth are crooked and too crowded or if they are too widely spaced, consider going to the dentist before you experience gum related problems. Your gums can hold and sit around your teeth correctly with less stress if you have straight teeth. With this, your teeth and gums are protected from health problems. Straight teeth are also much lesser effort to clean. You can floss or use interdental toothbrushes on top of your normal dental health routine with ease.
Straight teeth can make your dentist trips lesser, reduce the risk of plaque buildup, and the number of essential dental treatments.
They last longer
Properly aligned teeth can handle biting and chewing with a fair amount of pressure without any complications, but we can’t say the same for crooked teeth. Bite problems put the sensitive areas of your mouth under excessive stress. They are not designed to cope with it and will result in premature wearing of your teeth. In the long run, this can lead to chipping, carving at the gum line, abnormal flattening of the biting surface and fractures along the edges of the teeth. The damage can affect your beautiful smile, and will be expensive to repair.
Decreases headaches or neck pain
Your gums and jaw are put on excessive stress when you have crooked teeth. When the joints and muscles that connect your jaw to your skull near your ears are strained by your crooked teeth, you can experience jaw pain, dizziness, earaches, ringing in your ears, and headaches. It can also be a sign of a jaw misalignment.
Overall Health
When tooth decay and gum disease are let untreated, they can cause a number of complications namely mouth sores, tender or bleeding gums, bad breath, and possible tooth loss. Worst case scenario, oral infections can lead to serious illness such as heart disease, stroke, pneumonia, and diabetes.
Aligned teeth can make daily oral hygiene easier, therefore reducing the risk of possible problems. It can also reduce the issues that can be caused by an improper bite, speech or chewing difficulties, jaw problems, and premature wearing on your tooth enamel. Do you want to get your crooked teeth aligned? Roycrest Dental Center can give you a confident and healthy smile.